Running on historic routes in Salzburg

The simple things can often be the most fascinating.

Getting around on foot under your own steam is always a marvellous thing, and a means of exercise that can be inspirational.
It is also something that holds a special place at the Gmachl.

Salzburg is home to a range of Nordic walking and running routes, not just in our own parkland, but throughout Salzburger land. We provide a route guide so that you don’t lose your way, and your host Franz Gmachl will happily give you a personal recommendation. To recover afterwards, enjoy the extensive range of wellness our hotel offers. One special highlight is the running route along the Salzach river into the old part of Salzburg, giving you a spectacular panorama combined with an infusion of culture. Salzburg is full of contrasts.

Frau und Mann beim Laufen im Aktivurlaub in Bergheim
Laufen im Urlaub in Salzburg im Wellnesshotel Gmachl
Laufen im Salzburg-Urlaub im Hotel Gmachl Bergheim